
A wedding day sees two lovers promising to be together forever, saying vows that take them over the threshold into married life, but, before they do there’s that moment. That moment when both their eye’s meet for the first time on their wedding, when they realise they’re looking at the person they will be spending the rest of their life with and it’s all about to begin, life as husband and wife!The tradition of the groom not seeing his bride before their wedding is still very common in Western cultured weddings. Its practice was originally founded through arranged marriages, as it was believed that if the bride and groom were given the opportunity to see a glimpse of their soon-to-be spouse before the ceremony, one of them may back out if they didn’t like what they saw. Although the idea of bad luck (believed to be the result of someone being left at the altar) would seem to be the motivation behind the traditions common use, we believe a truer aspect of its use is heightened suspense and anticipation.


Timecapsules || The Importance Of Wedding Films


One Lifetime Could Never Be Enough